Saturday, 27 August 2011

when the future comes a knockin'

we build a home to raise our kids
because that's what we do
but it'll be an empty shell
when the future comes a knockin'

when the future comes a knockin'
when tomorrow's at our door
what today is what we dream of
will tomorrow be no more

the gold and silver that we hord
because we fear what comes
we'll give away for a loaf of bread
when the future comes a knockin'

when the future comes a knockin'
when tomorrow's at our door
what today is worth a fortune
will tomorrow make us poor

the faith we have in government
well it is fading fast
we'll see them as the enemy
when the future comes a knockin'

when the future comes a knockin'
when tomorrow's at our door
what today we all believe in
will be what we all abhor

we walk the streets today in peace
we walk with little fear
but steets will be like battle grounds
when the future comes a knockin'

when the future comes a knockin'
when tomorrow's at our door
where today we greet our neighbour
will be where we're all at war

i write these words in disbelief
that i have come to this
that i look out with fear and grief
'cause i hear the future knockin'

'cause the future is a knockin'
and tomorrow's at our door
if we can not save ourselves from us
what worth is all our lore?

if you liked this you might also like "for our sons and daughters too"