Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Where is happiness?

 I've just washed the dishes while cooking some lamb chop to slice up for a school lunch. Threw the dog a half eaten kransky from the fridge so I could toss out four day old salad remains and clean the container. The dog gave me that look that says "this food cold". I told him to wait for it to warm up so he took it outside to play with it. Drank half my second coffee of three heaped teaspoons of instant coffee in a half filled cup of boiling water.

I'm old suddenly. I did not see it coming. Not the reality. The first person experience. It was always just something imagined. I have a bit of a toothache. I always put it off because of money but eventually it goes where the others have gone before it. Soon maybe I'll have to live on mush or get false teeth. As i contemplate the next task for making the school lunch I realise that being in the now is what happiness is really all about.

It dawned on me that I was enjoying the task of making the school lunch. The Zen of it. The full mindfulness of the moment with balancing time between cooking, cleaning, preparing, talking to the dog and all without really thinking about the myriad things there are to be distracted by. Right now there are so many millions of people suffering. The world's climate might make it worse. World hatred and fear grows. My body is failing. I have to have some major surgery. The family has problems with children's family breakup. The boy is waking ready to watch YouTube before school. I return to making his lunch.

Lunch made so back to watching the world through my feeds. News and social media feeds. Right now it's about Israel. It has so far killed about twenty thousand people and displaced hundreds of thousands.


I made breakfast and washed the dishes while I talked to the dog and I was happy.

Sunday, 29 October 2023

Tonight they're bombing Gaza


              Tonight they're bombing Gaza

              The kids cry in the dark

              The blood and grime they can't wash off

              their future's bleak and stark

              The white man's world is cheering on

              We're paying for the bombs

              We've sent our finest soldiers

              To help kill kids and moms

              They say there's oil off Gaza

              It's Palestine's of course

              But after ethnic cleansing

              It's ours by rule of force

              Tonight they're bombing Gaza

              It's been going on for weeks

              They've leveled almost every house

              With rotting death it reeks

              Around the world some protest

              The slaughter and the death

              But Zionists they say it's good

              And lie with every breath

              Tonight they're bombing Gaza

              The kids die in the dark

              They die there in their mother's arms

              While more bombs scream and bark

              Tonight they're bombing Gaza

              But what are we to do?

              We'll all claim we are innocent

              We'll claim we never knew

              Tonight they're bombing Gaza

              They're bombing in G-d's name

              To bury all of Palestine

              In blood and tears and pain

              Tonight they're bombing Gaza

Sunday, 2 July 2023

Approaching cannabis boom bust cycle in Thailand?

I don't blog much do i. I guess it's my laziness or something. Baggage too. Seems so mirkish.

Right now, in July 2023, in Thailand, you can find little dope stalls everywhere and bigger shops never very far.

The prices are very high. Compared to the Aotearoa black market. About $680 to $965 per ounce in NZD.

I had reported this in a FB post.

I discovered that the reason all the dope here is very expensive is that the business minded Thais, who don't for a one of them overlap with the old school apt growers, have to import their grass - and they do it on line. Mostly from the USA.

The old hippy Thais who actually spent their lives learning how to quietly grow and crop good weed making such an easy life just selling to a small but steadily growing local market.

Right now, anyone who can grow good weed and make it available on line can make a living here. Or a fortune.

But they need to know and have a trusting relationship with farmers. Or be married to a Thai who owns at least a little land.

Thais are good learners and farming is in their blood.

Something to ponder.